*** I recommend that you zip up your 'games' folder as a backup before doing anything. That way you can restore it if need be
*** Figure out and use your own paths, don't just paste anything below and run it!! Do your research first!
I'll use the following paths in this example:
old path: C:\Users\you\AppData\Roaming\polycade\games\
new path: E:\
It's been a while but here goes:
- Copy the entire "game" folder to the E: drive (new path will be E:\games)
- Create an empty "games" folder in the original path
- Open up a CMD prompt as admin (can google this if you don't know how to)
- In the CMD prompt running as admin you'd type:
mklink /D "C:\Users\you\AppData\Roaming\polycade\games\" "E:\games"
(format is: mklink /D Link Target)
Basically what you are doing is moving the actual 'games' folder to the E drive, creating an empty folder in the old location and then telling the OS to make the empty folder "link" to the folder in the E drive so the OS can't tell the difference.