I downloaded polycade AGS, but I don’t have a controller in hand and it’s not responding to keyboard controls. Is there a way I can explore AGS without a controller connected to the computer?

Here’s more details:
I’m on my windows laptop. The arrow keys worked but not Enter or Backspace - so basically I couldn’t select anything.

So yeah...you kinda need a controller to use the interface, but more importantly, to play games!

Your best bet would be to purchase a gaming controller. The best ones I can recommend that are available now are the following:

  1. 8bitdo SN30, SN 30 Pro, or SN30 Pro for XBox
  2. Newest Xbox controller

We're also taking preorders on our own controller that's being manufactured in collaboration with 8BitDo. You can find details on this here: https://polycade.com/products/the-modern-controller

If you do not want to purchase a controller, there is another solution:

There are apps that can make your mobile phone into a virtual gamepad. In order for this to work, you need to download the app onto your phone and also pair it with software that lives on your PC (or Polycade).

Here are the instructions for one that I just tested on my iPhone:

  1. Download VGamepad Server
  2. Follow setup instructions in this video
  3. Download VGamepad on your mobile device:
  4. iOS (Free version with ads) or (Paid version)
  5. Android (Free version with ads) or (Paid version)
  6. Follow setup instructions from Youtube video linked above and open AGS to start gaming!

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