Thanks for releasing the new beta! Really awesome to see it come together. I was going to use this post to start cataloging bugs or what I think are bugs throughout my play.

  • Not all N64 games load into the Polycade AGS. It shows they load, but don't show on the game library screen (ex: Goldeneye, NFL Blitz 2000)
  • Sound is missing from gameplay
  • In N64 games, the joystick does not allow your player to move at all. Other controls work, but cannot move (ex: mario kart, mario 64)

Thanks for these notes! Looks like we've got some work to do on the N64 side, hopefully we can get that sorted this week! Thanks!!

I’m just starting with the 1.0.2 beta but I’ve got some ROM issues as well. I get one NES and one GBA game that show up. There’s a bunch of SNES and Genesis games in their folders but aren’t getting pulled in.
for the two ROMs that show up, they play really really slow. I’m sure there are settings that need to be tweaked with the emulators but I’m not sure the right way to get in and do that.

    hi. We are just getting started as well ... we are having trouble with the game Asteroids. We purchased from the Polycade library, however it says: Error: failed to load file for load operation. Let us know what we can do, it's the one game my husband was looking forward to.

      fender357 Hmm this sounds to me like the ROM types might not match the directories they're in. Can you make sure you have the correct ROMs in their correct directories? Here's a few examples of the dirs I'm talking about:


      eileenk Ironically, this is actually not an error. It just means there isn't a pre-saved state for the game. We'll fix this in the next update, but you can fix it now by doing this:

      • Open Asteroids
      • Load it up with coins (press the option button a bunch of times)
      • Press SHIFT+F7 on your keyboard. It will say "Select position to save to"
      • Press 1 on your keyboard
        Now every time you launch Asteroids, it will begin from that exact point.
        Note: You can use this function to save/load your arcade games 😃
        When you're asked to "Select position to save to" you can press any number 0-9. When the game launches, AGS will always attempt to load save slot #1 (this way you can pre-load arcade games with credits and bypass any startup diagnostics). However, you can use the other numbers for save slots. To load a save slot, press F7 and then the number of the save slot.

      I've got all the correct matching file types in their folders. These are ROMs I've had for a long time and I don't even remember what emulator I had used with them before. Is there a list of the supported ROM file types for each emulator?

        Thank you. My son followed your instructions so the game loads, however it seems the joystick doesn't work ... its supposed to be the control ...? maybe it's a bug? any ideas how to fix that?

          fender357 Hmm strange. I'm not sure if there's a list of supported ROM file types, but we are using the latest version of RetroArch for all consoles, so you can look up info about that. For arcade games, we use MAME 0.178 at the moment, but sounds like you're issues are limited to consoles.

          Also, we've discovered a bug that causes ROMs to not show up in some cases, despite being in the correct directories. It seems to be mostly affecting N64, but it's possible it's affecting other games. We should have a fix for it very soon, but it's possible your issue is related to this.

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