I have the most recent updates/drivers for AGS, Windows and Steam. I went ahead and downloaded the Geforce 1650 drive but still the same results.
Backstory - brother and I were playing USF IV flawlessly and that night we noticed everything in the AGS interface was lockdown for a big upcoming update. We booted up the Polycade Lux and waited for everything to update and played some other games. Two days later we tried playing USF IV and noticed every blue moon that actions were moving in slow motion (stuttering) and then back to normal play; this was a regular occurrence.
Today I decided to turn off AGS and open up USF IV through Steam. I played 6 games without issue; however, when playing USF IV through the AGS interface it randomly starts stuttering again as if the graphics card cannot keep up or the ram/cpu cycles are being maxed out on the box. I have also noticed this issue when cycling through the list of games in the AGS interface. Meaning if I have 50 games and I decided to click through them (up/down) quickly through each column, sometimes there is a delay or slight glitch vs me being able to cycle through the games fast.
For now I can just play USF IV without AGS but any recommendations would greatly be appreciated or maybe I will just wait for the next update and see if it corrects itself. Thanks!