I downloaded Broforce from the AGS store in July and it worked great until about 3 weeks back. (I have a v1 arcade.) Now it launches fine but within 5 minutes of loading it the game freezes. The only fix is to restart the entire arcade. Happens every time. Any advice on a fix? It’s the family’s favorite game.
Broforce crashing
I'll try to reproduce this error here and see how to fix it
Thanks, @"saulonunes". If you need any other info from me -- video of the crash, for example -- please let me know. I also understand that a few other polycade users have had this issue with Broforce crashing, for whatever that's worth.
VincentAdultman one other user found that if they deleted the broforce folder (this might delete any save files you have for Broforce) and reinstall, this fixed the issue.
The broforce folder to delete is located here:
Thanks, tyler I’m trying this now and will let you know if there are any issues.
But this raises a different problem I’ve been having with my machine. I can’t find ANY of my games (downloaded from AGS or just my own collection of ROMs) on the hard drive. The folder you described in your post is simply not showing up in my C: drive at all. I know that sounds weird, but it’s been happening for over a month now. It’s like the file path is hidden. If I search for the name of a game and wait it will eventually pop up (this is how I managed to locate and delete Broforce). But it’s very frustrating.
I’m having trouble attaching my screen grabs but I’ll send in a separate post.
I can't figure out how to post images in this thread--when I click "add an image" I just get the following text: 
I can email screen grabs to you if it would be helpful.
It might be hidden, see here:
To add an image here you first have to upload it to a site like imgur before linking it.
My 8 year old daughters favorite game is Broforce; unfortunately, it has been glitching & randomly freezing the last 2 or 3 AGS updates. She has 98% completed the game and I told her I might have to purge the game and reinstall it which will loser her saved progress. She starred at me with dismay followed by endless tears pouring from her face. Before I uninstall and reinstall do you know if there is a way to preserve the saved data?
Did the uninstall/reinstall work for you?
This fix did not work for us on our Polycade Lux machine. We have the latest updates for Windows, AGS and Graphics Card. Daughter is on level 15 where she enters Satans world. Every time they play, it immediately freezes on him or when they die because of him. We have to exit the game via task manager every time.
@Uthuidos No--the uninstall/reinstall did not work for me. I'm still not able to play it. I had a long chat with @saulonunes about this (and a few other issues I was having), and he told me that polycade is "getting a new version of Broforce." So for now I'm just playing the waiting game. If you do figure out a solution, please let me know--it's my son's favorite game as well. But it seems like the company is actively looking for a fix.
VincentAdultman Uthuidos We're still seeing issues with Broforce, but there may be a work around in the meantime. Try this:
- Exit Polycade AGS
- Launch the Broforce app directly, by double clicking this file:
C:\Users[your username]\AppData\Roaming\polycade\games\drm-free\Broforce\Broforce.exe
Let us know if you're able to play this way!
Haha, glad to hear it!! That helps us hone in on the issue as well. Will post any updates here as we figure out what the conflict is.
thanks for share